Woman gives birth to lizard


A woman in Indonesia, Debi Nubatonis, has allegedly given birth to a live gecko. The midwife attending to her found the ‘live’ gecko was the only thing between the legs of the woman, who had all the usual signs of being eight-months pregnant. Seems like a joke or hoax right? Well, the authorities in Indonesia are actually taking this rather seriously, even going as far as launching an official investigation into the incident.

After some probing, it was suggested that Nubatonis, already a mother of two human children, was suffering from pseudocyesis, or phant o m preg – n a n c y, with an e m p t y womb. A doctor, the Chief Medical Officer of nearby Kupang City, Indonesia, gave this rather sobering conclusion. He said, “So the gecko coming out is probably some kind of hoax. “Childbirth of another species has never been reported in science.”

Some news organisations have quoted neighbours claiming that Ms Nubatonis and her family apparently practice ‘witchcraft.’ Maybe people could consider the slightly boring idea that the lizard might have hopped onto the birthing bed at some point unseen… Nah, let’s not be boring, she gave birth to a lizard, because of a spell backfiring…

This midwife probably did not expect to find a baby gecko on the birthing table, when she started assisting a mother in labour. But rather than delivering a healthy newborn baby, she found herself face-toface with a lizard. Or so she claims