Though Adegoke Odukoya, otherwise known as Ade Bantu, lost his father to armed robbers in Nigeria, he bears no bitterness against the country.
The ex-Project Fame judge told our correspondent that he came back to Nigeria eight years ago to break the artificial division between the continent of Africa and Europe, and to help initiate a dialogue in a way that there can be peace and respect for each other. He left Nigeria at the age of 16 to further his education.
He stated, “I grew up in a Nigerian society where everything was okay. This country has made me who I am today and I am deeply rooted in the Yoruba culture. I have always loved Nigeria, but I will not deny that I am a German too. I left Nigeria when I was about 16 years old to further my education. I lived in Europe for like 20 years. I came back to Nigeria eight years ago.
“I also think my job on earth is to break the artificial divide between the continent of Africa and Europe and to help initiate a dialogue in a way that we can reconcile, find peace and respect for each other. I saw my parents practice that at home and I tried to replicate it in my philosophy, music and worldview.”
According to him, after the painful exit of his father, something beautiful was born. He has two brothers and a sister.
He said, “The experience gave us the strength to actually become who we are today. If you go through such a dramatic loss, you are either bitter or willing to find peace for the rest of your life. I was 15 when he died and I chose to be at peace with life and to reconcile with my pain. Music has helped me a great deal too to achieve that. We have a doctor and a manager in the corporate world in the family.”
Ade Bantu insisted that having two backgrounds had its advantage and disadvantage. Though his mother is German, he has experienced racism in Europe as well as other forms of discrimination in Nigeria too.
He added, “I have experienced positive racism in Europe and discrimination where people try to elevate me because I am mixed raced. Since I am back, the white accord to me certain attributes that are for blacks, including being a good athlete, gifted musician or sexually endowed. So, if someone says I am not Yoruba or German enough, it is his or her headache to be honest with you.”
Ade Bantu see his monthly show at Freedom Park in Lagos, Afropolitan Vibes, as a way of reviving the live music culture.
“I have a band and we invite artistes to come perform with us. We also rehearse with them before the show so that it does not turn to a jam session.
We’ve had the likes Salawa Abeni, Victor Olaiya, Sheyi Shay, Yemi Alade, Sound Sultan, Praiz, MI, Beautiful Nubia, among others. Everybody does live music, there is no playback,” he said.