We should not give up on Nigeria – Pastor Whegbenu


Pastor James Oke Whegbenu is the General Overseer of the Resurrection Prayer Ministry in Lagos. He has been in God’s ministry for over 30 years. Whegbenu, in this interview with GBOLAHAN DADA, speaks on Nigeria’s economic problems and how to get out of the quagmire. He also speaks on the practice of the Christian religion in the past and at present. Excerpts:

From Biblical perspective, how would you describe Nigeria’s current economic situation?
Nigeria’s predicament is like the famine situation in Samaria. The story is similar to what was recorded in the 2nd Kings, chapter 6 verse 25.The people of Samaria suffered. There was no food and things were expensive for them to buy. It is a critical and trying moment for Nigeria also and those who understand the things of the spirit are managing the situation with the grace and mercy of God.

What are the things you think we can do or how do we get out of this economic mess?
The only thing we can do is to humble ourselves before God and seek His face through prayers to save our nation because He knows about Nigeria’s situation, (2nd Kings 6:33).We know God is the only solution to our problems. He can touch the hearts of our leaders to make things right. God can rebuild and restore. He has the power to make Nigeria a great nation again. God purposely put Joseph in the place of authority in Egypt to help the nation solve their famine issues. He can still do the same for Nigeria. It is not over yet.

What advice do you have for our leaders?
If only our leaders can embrace the truth and seek the face of God, He will take charge of the government of this nation and lead them. Our leaders should allow God to lead them by seeking His face for every affair of governance as the King of Israel did (Ps 25:12).

Can God still intervene in Nigeria’s situation?
God can still intervene in Nigeria’s situation. God is not ready to look at our mistakes and our sins. He is always ready to save and deliver us from difficulties. If Nigerians can return to God, the creator of Nigeria, as He says in 2nd Chronicles 7:14, ‘If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn form their evil ways, I will forgive their sins and heal their land.’

What are the roles of Christians in Nigeria’s economy?
The role of Christians in Nigeria’s economy is to be faithful and fear God in whatever post or position they find themselves. They should make Godly impact that will produce positive impact for building the economy, Genesis 41:33.

How do you describe the Christianity of the past and that of today?
There is a wider difference between Christianity of today and that of the past. The love of money as we have it in 1st Timothy 6:10 and works of the flesh Galatians 5:19-21, have taken over the works of the spirit (Gal 5:22- 23) in lives of most Christians today. Christians no longer respect Biblical laws. Things have really changed. Nobody cares about making heaven. Christians live for today and not for tomorrow. The things of the flesh have dominated the things of the spirit. The pursuit of Christians were righteousness, Godliness and contentment (1st Tim6:6-11, Gal 5-22). These attributes possessed by the Christians of old are no longer found in most modern day Christians.

Do we have the same power of old in modern Christianity?
There is the power of old, but we don’t worship God like before. Although there are Prophets and Prophetesses like that of old, you can find very few of them that have not defiled themselves (Daniel 1:8)

Do our leaders recognise the roles of prophets and prophetesses?
Of course, yes. Our leaders do know the role of prophets and prophetesses in Nigeria and that is why our leaders cannot do without them. (1st Samuel 9:6).

How do you see the relationship between Nigeria’s government and Christians?
To say the truth, the way I see Nigeria’s government relationship with Christianity is that government gives Islam or Muslims upper hand to the detriment of Christianity. There are too many Muslims from the north in the government than the Christians. There is no balancing in the selection. Government appointment favour only the kinsmen of those already in government.

What is your message for Nigerians?
My message for Nigerians is that they should repent, return and humble ourselves before God. Seek for His kingdom and it’s rightteouness and all other things shall be added unto us. There is nothing too hard for God to do. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. He is the master planner and master of everything. Let us give Him a chance (Mat 6:33) and He will heal our land, Nigeria, II Chronicles 7: 14.