Top 100 danger zones in Nigeria

  • Oke Alabojuto, worshipped by indigenes to prevent death

As the end of the year draws near, experts have advised that, in view of the increased criminal activities that had been recorded around this time in previous years, Nigerians should go about their daily activities with increased vigilance. According to them, since no crime occurs in a vacuum, it is always good to avoid places that have been identified as danger spots. A special investigation by The Point revealed 100 top danger zones in Nigeria as shown by the mapping analyses at various police stations. The series, which began three weeks ago with 25 danger spots around Lagos, continues in this edition.

76-WOMAN BOKU, ABUJA Here is a community in Abuja, in the Federal Capital Territory, where unprotected sex with prostitutes is common. Just like its name, which translates into “plenty women,” women actually outnumber men here. Lodging in any of the seedy hotels in this area with a free woman could be dangerous as many people have complained to the Police about missing personal belongings.

77-FAGGE This is a community in Kano with a large concentration of Ghanians, Nigerians and the Berbers. Here, crime isregarded as a way of life, from money doubling to fake gold trading. Strangers,especially businessmen have been warned to be extremely careful while doingbusiness here. 78-YAKASAI This is another community in the Nasarawa LocalGovernment Area. Swindling and Indian hemp smoking are common here.

79-HAURENKILAGO Also in Kano, this particular area is very close to the Sani Abacha Stadium. Youths here are known for hemp selling/smoking; and potential criminals, who are willing to do anything for cash, abound.

80-MANDAWARI This place is right inside Kano city. Youth here often organise street fights to exhibit their masculinity. Like in the Agbotikuyo area of Lagos, the youth who revel in criminal activities, flaunt scars on their skin to show how tough they are.

81-DUTSENDALA Here is a community known foradvance fee fraud activities. Business dealings around this area should behandled with utmost care. ]

82-IJAEN, FARAWA, HOTORO KUMBOTSO & KAWO These areas are known and identified as Boko Haram enclaves. Plying the route,especially in the night, could be dangerous. Travellers are advised to be waryof people they deal with here.

83-WUDILROAD Here, armed robbery activities arecommonplace. Travellers are cautioned not to ply the road at night.

84-NASARAWA, G.R.A. Here, cultists’ activitiesare prevalent. Strangers could easily be kidnapped here, especially in the night.

85-KOFARKABUGA It is not always advisableto get involved in arguments here especially if you are a nonindigene. Such arguments could easily lead to homicide.Also, youth in this community are known to indulge in glue sniffing.

86-OKE-ALABOJUTO, IKARE, ONDO STATE This is a hill that has recorded a lot of death, resulting from auto-crashes.The hill, located right in the heart of the town, is very dangerous. Today, Ikare indigenes worship the hill in an apparent move to appease the godof the hill.

87-OKITI-ESA This hill is located at the Ogbagi–Akoko area of Ondo State. The sleepy hill has taken many lives resulting from preventable accidents. Aside from the fact that the road is in a bad shape, indigenes say the hill itself has some supernatural powers that make accidents occur frequently.

88-AKIN-NOSO SHARP BEND It is between Adoand Iyin–Ekiti. This sharp bend has sent many to their untimely graves. Aside from the fact that the road is in a bad shape, it is also not wide enough.

89-BAM, BORNO STATE This is avillage, about seven kilometres away from Buratai village, the home town of theChief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Yusuf Buratai. Boko Haram activities are rampant here.


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