The significance of Zebibah


Zebibah, also known as a prayer bump, is a mark on the forehead of some Muslims, due to the friction caused by repeated contact of the forehead with the prayer mat during daily prayers.

Islam requires its adherents to pray five times a day (known as salat), which involves kneeling on a prayer mat and touching the ground with one’s forehead. When done firmly for extended periods of time, a prayer bump may develop. 

While some Muslims may consider the presence of a prayer bump to be a sign of religious dedication and piety, others also believe that on the day of judgment, this bump will particularly fluoresce an immense white light.

In extreme cases, the callus can be thick enough to create a real bump that protrudes from the forehead. They may also develop due to frequent prayer on hard surfaces such as stone floors.

The Chief Missioner of Islamic Education and Foundation Initiative, Sheikh Abdusemiu Ajani Alkilany, says that when a person prays salah, usaually his forehead gets darker because of sajda (prostration during prayers) and people know that he prays.

“Because of this ,the prayerful person can feel proud of his faith and may also like people to talk positive about him and say good remarks about him because of his prayers.”

He also noted that the Prophet (SAW) commanded us to do rukoo’ and ‘sujood’ perfectly and completely as not doing rukoo’ and sujood properly and completely is something which invalidates one’s prayer.

“It is essential to place the forehead and nose firmly on the ground when making sujood. There is nothing wrong with making the sujood long, especially when praying alone, or in Salaat al-Kusoof (eclipse prayer) or in qiyaam al-layl (naafil prayers at night)”.

Sheikh Alkilany  added that if a person does as the Prophet  (SAW) commanded, and he is prostrating on soil or a rough surface, then he may get a mark on his forehead. This may generate some pride in his heart, but if a person’s heart is filled with sincere faith and he does what he does only for the purpose of seeking that which is with Allaah, then he will not care what people say about him. But if he deliberately tries to make a mark on his forehead that looks like the sign of sujood, then this is a kind of showing off and lying, then Allah will judge that person accordingly

According to the Holy Book, in Suratal-Fath 48:29 , Allah said” You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allaah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of prostration (during prayers)….”

This means that this refers to the light of obedience and worship, and it does not necessarily mean that there is a physical mark on the skin in the place of prostration.

The Point is, the fact that this mark is present on the skin and there is a change in the colour of the forehead, does not mean that a person is righteous and sincere.

“By the same token, if this mark is absent, that does not mean that a person is failing in his prayers. In many cases, it has to do with the nature and sensitivity of an individual’s skin,” he explained.