‘The right time for marriage in Islam’


An Islamic scholar, Sheikh Abdulsemiu Ajani Alkilany, has thrown his weight behind early marriage in the society, saying it promotes chastity.
But he clearly explained that early marriage did not mean that parents should marry off their under-aged girls.
Alkilany, however, said delay of marriage was the handiwork of Shaytan (Satan) “because when a girl reaches the level of maturity (physically and psychologically), it is recommended that she should be married off as soon as possible.”
“One of the main aims of encouraging early marriage is to preserve the chastity of our youths. Allah has created human beings with sexual desires. As such, when a boy or girl reaches puberty and develops sexual organs, the best, the very best the parent can do is to prepare them for a life of responsibility, which is marital life,” he argued.
He opined that the urge for sex could be very strong, especially in adolescence and in most cases, it (the urge) must be satisfied, either in a halal way (right way) or in a haram way (wrong way). The latter way, he said, had led many young boys and girls to engage in actions that were unthinkable. “Vibrators and other sex toys are everywhere in our neighborhood,” he lamented.
“Islam has a provision for everything and it is for all seasons and all reasons. There is nothing about our lives that Allah (SWT) has not addressed in the Q’uran, with good explanations from the actions and sayings of the Prophet (pbuh),” he added.
He pointed out that Allah (SWT) in Surah An-Nur: 32, says: “And marry such of you as are solitary and the pious of your slaves and maid servants. If they be poor; Allah will enrich them of His bounty. Allah is of ample means, Aware.”
This means that the father of a girl must not delay marriage of his daughter if a proposal is received from a compatible man of equal status, who is of sound religion and character.
Also from the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), narrated by Tirmidhi, the Prophet (SAW) said, “Three matters should not be delayed: prayer when its time comes, burial when the funeral has arrived, and the marriage of a single woman when a well-suited man has proposed.”
The Prophet (SAW) also addressed the youths, encouraging them to get married as soon as they are capable of shouldering the responsibility of marriage, saying, “O youth! Whoever amongst you is able to marry, let him marry, because it helps him keep his eyes away from lustful looks and preserve his chastity. And whoever is not able to marry, let him observe fasting, as it is a shield for him (i.e. protection from lapsing in fornication).”
Early marriage doesn’t mean that the spouses may not be mature and responsible, especially the female involved as she needs to be physically, emotionally and psychologically ready for marital life, Alkilany said, citing the Qur’an.
He also noted that early marriage is recommended as long as the requirements of marriage are met, including the ability of each of the spouses to fulfill marital duties and protect his/her partner against temptation.
“The husband should also be able to shoulder the financial responsibilities at the sufficiency level. There is no specific age for marriage according to Shari`ah but the criteria is the capability of both spouses,” he explained.