Text: Nehemiah 3 verses 1-5
From our text, we could see that there was a task before the children of Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem that was in the ruin and the gates thereof burnt with fire. Nehemiah was in the land of captivity in Shushan palace in Babylon where he received the reports of the ruinous state of his land of nativity in Judah.
He was devastated and mourned, fasted and prayed for days and then had to obtain permission from the King of Babylon. Nehemiah, in conjunction with the Priest, led the people to work and rebuild the broken walls and ruined places. The nobles among them were so sophisticated that they refused to commit themselves to the work. The classes of the highlighted above represent the Pillars and Caterpillars respectively in the church today. While some church leaders and members are very much concerned and committed to the work of God, others are not.They are a clog in the wheel of the church progress.
Nehemiah was in captivity in Babylon when he got the reports of the terrible state of his land of nativity. He wept, mourned and prayed and then obtained permission from the King of Babylon to rebuild the city walls
A pillar is a strongly built and fortified structure that supports the standing of a building or bridge without which the structure would collapse while a Caterpillar is an iron built vehicle mostly used to bring down structures. The question is are you a Pillar or Caterpillar in the Church of God?
Biblical examples of Pillars in their generation:
1. Nehemiah was in captivity in Babylon when he got the reports of the terrible state of his land of nativity. He wept, mourned and prayed and then obtained permission from the King of Babylon to rebuild the city walls that were broken down and burnt with fire. There were many obstacles and challenges but he remained undaunted until the work was accomplished. (Neh 4 Vs 19-23)
2. Dorcas was so useful to God and the people that her good works still speaks when even when she was already dead. She was so concerned about the needy in the house of God that people felt her absence greatly and what about you? Are you not only concerned about your own family or the people on your sponsorship? You are less concerned about others in need after all you are sponsoring some students in schools. (Acts 9 Vs 36-43)
3. Cornelius was a goodly man that was always praying and giving alms to the people. He had a testimony among the people. Is your prayers centered on you and your family alone? (Acts 10 Vs 1-4)
4. Abinadab and Obededum kept the Ark of God in their houses and God blessed them. Many believers today don’t allow house fellowship or prayer meetings in their houses for ‘’security reasons’’ and would not want the people to dirty their carpets or Italian tiles. Vanity of vanity! (1 Sam 7 Vs 1; 2 Sam 6 Vs 9-12)
5. Timothy was a very young man that Paul brought up in the faith and he gave all to the work despite his state of health. Epaphroditus labored in the vineyard of the Lord almost to the point of death. May God help us.(1 Tim 4 Vs 12)
6. Moses was found faithful in all his house. His commitment is legendary. (Num 6 Vs 7)
The Biblical examples of Caterpillars:
1. Aaron and Mariam were the siblings of Moses the great man of God but got into trouble with God by speaking against their brother. They became too familiar with him that they felt they could talk any how to him but they were mistaken. Moses was God’s anointed and should not be touched. Many are there in the church who feels that after all our Pastor was my junior in the school and I know how he started. Who is he to give me an instruction? Well, you know what God did to Mariam and should be a warning to us. We gossip about our leaders and their family. It is dangerous my dear brother and sister. (Num 12 Vs 1-6, 9,10)
2. Hophni and Phinehas were supposedly Priests of the Lord but instead of doing what God called them to do, they were busy eating sacrilegious things and polluting the house of God with immorality. There are some so called brothers and sisters in the church who commits fornication and adultery in the name of future partners. Sadly, some ministers are not left out of the evil gate. Remember that your sin shall surely find out if you don’t repent. (2 Sam 12-17)
3. There some people who come to church only to come and sell wares. The Lord will soon overturn your table as He did in the temple by overturning the wares of the Merchants.
4. Some are busy bodies in other men’s matter. 2 Thess 3 vs 11; 1 Peter 4 Vs 15
5. Stealing of God’s money and properties by Ministers and workers is rampant today.
6. Betraying the Church Jn 13 Vs 26, 29
In conclusion, are we concerned about the physical and spiritual cleanliness of the church? God admonishes us to mark them that causes division among us and avoid them. Rom 16 Vs17. The question is that are you are a Pillar in the house of God or a Caterpillar?
Repent today by confessing your sins and ask God for forgiveness and rededicate your life to Jesus today. If you have not been born again, today is the day of salvation and God will forgive and receive you today.
God bless you.