Some have heads but no caps (6)


Last week, we continued the story of a lady, who stayed for long in what appeared to be a good relationship with her first love, but decided to call it quits when friends and family members were waiting for the wedding bells because she was sure that, for her, the relationship had been all about pity. This week, the story of her sojourn in the home she built with the man she eventually married continues.


I was in labour pain when he left, but I managed to tell him some things I would like him to bring for me. But I was surprised when he did not even call or come back till the evening of the next day. The medical director of the hospital said he had to induce me to give birth to the dead foetus normally. He also told me that I needed heavy antibiotics to save me from complications that could arise as a result of the death of the foetus inside me, especially since it was not clear when it actually died. He told me to pray and bear the pain, that all would be well. So I was induced.

Along the line, the pain became unbearable and I thought I was going to die. Not minding the fact that I had been told not to tell my people that I was in the hospital, I called my elder brother, who was, at the time, in Australia. I told him that I had a feeling something terrible was about to happen to me and that I did not want to get our mother worried. Listening to my shaky voice, he was really afraid. He just started praying and told me
to hang up without remembering to ask for the name of the hospital. Immediately, he called my siblings and told them to go and look for me.

The first place they ran to was my house, and of course, they did not find me. My nanny, who was the only one they met at home, told them that she had not seen me since the previous day, and that I was the one who drove myself out of the house. She, however, hinted them that my husband came back to the house to pick his mother and that they travelled that day. This situation threw everyone into confusion, as there was no way they could reach me. I had called my brother, using the hospital line. I was later told that he called back several times but no one picked.

For the concluding part of this story and others, grab your copy of The Point from your nearest vendor