The leader of the Asore Central Parish, Celestial Church of Christ, Akute, Ogun State, Venerable Most Senior Evangelist, Jacob Surrey, advised Nigerians not to expect President Muhammadu Buhari to save the country from the shackles of economic recession because he has only come to prepare the way for the saviour of country. In this interview with ADELEKE ADESANYA, the spiritual leader disclosed that God has revealed to him that true saviour will emerge after President Buhari’s time. Excerpts:
If we look at the present situation in the country, things are difficult. As a spiritual leader, what do you think led us to this state?
Things have been difficult in this country right from ages. Nigerians have been complaining bitterly irrespective of the leaders we had in government. That is because people are not satisfied with the situation they find themselves. But my perspective is that we need God’s intervention in this country. If God stretches His mighty hand on this land, there would be peace in the land and we’ll give Him praise. But as long as God has not done that, there will be no peace.
As a church leader many look up to for solutions, has God given you any revelation about the future of Nigeria?
I got a revelation from God that this land will be very good in 15 years. Then, this country will be better and everybody will live comfortably; it will be like the 70s when there was peace in Nigeria, when there was food and no thieves. People will be safe even at night. So, if people support President Buhari and allow him do what is expected, this country will be different. For instance, in 2011, God revealed this revelation to me. I saw the flag of APC with the President of Nigeria and I told one of the politicians in my parish that the next President is going to be from APC, and God in his mercy and power made it happen.
What is the spirit of God saying specifically now?
Presently, the spirit of God told me that he is using President Buhari to prepare ways for the saviour of this country in the near future. Buhari will complete his tenure and leave for the true saviour of this country to emerge. Then, everything will be better.
We have been hearing rumours that Buhari wants to Islamise Nigeria; based on your revelations, can he still achieve all this things God revealed to you?
Irrespective of the religion of the people working with him, God can use them to fulfil his intention. Even if 70 percent of the people working with the President are Muslims, it doesn’t matter, as long as they are doing what the citizens want.
Today, in our society, divorce cases are rampant as marriages crash almost daily. What do you think is responsible for all these broken homes?
Concerning marriage, many people do come to the church about marital issues. Satan wants people to be in his kingdom, so that they will perish with him. Anyone who is not a strong believer in Christ, his or her home will be scattered. Any marriage that is not in Christ will crumble. But no matter how young the couple is, as long as their foundation is in Christ, the marriage will work. Even those that are in Christ, they do have challenges in their homes not to talk of those that are unbelievers.

As a spiritual leader, what is your opinion about divorce? Especially, in cases where the husband beats the wife often, should the woman leave?
I can’t say she should leave or not, but before someone marries at all, you have to find out from God about the person you want to marry in order to know if the marriage will last. And if there is a confirmation from God that the person is a good person, then you can go ahead to marry him. And if Satan wants to tempt their home, all his effort will not prosper because they have committed their ways to God’s hand.
However, if they did not do so, and their star is not compatible, they we be having issues, which may eventually lead to breaking of such home.
What will you say about the doctrines of the Celestial Church of Christ that people do condemn?
According to 1 Corinthians 7vs 17, it says, God himself has called different people and he gave doctrines to each Church. Whatever doctrine you belong to, your own is to follow the doctrine you are given by that Church. Anyone that talks against the doctrine of CCC has sinned against heaven. And if any member of Celestial Church talks about other churches in bad light, the person sins against God. God decided to give those doctrines the way he wants, so just follow his leadings.
There are several occasions where prophets have been caught indulging thieves or prostitutes, among others. What is your opinion on this matter?
God will have mercy on us. Prophets do not know everything except what God reveals to us. Even when people come to pray, you do not know what they do for a living whether they are thieves or prostitutes. But if the prophet is aware that the person is a thief and still prays with the person, that means the prophet himself is a thief. The Bible condemns stealing.
Is the use of roots and herbs for prayers part of the doctrine of the church?
Celestials don’t use roots and herbs. Celestial is a pure Church, a holy Church from heaven and a highly spiritual Church. The Church was designed from heaven with the authority of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit for the salvation of human soul. God almighty is pure. So, all our doctrines are clean and we are not herbalists; we follow God’s instruction.