Pastor admits smoking hemp


…as wife exposes his loose sex life

A pentecostal church pastor, Kennedy Osunbor, has admitted in a customary court in Lagos that he is an unrepentant weed smoker. Kennedy was dragged to court by his wife, Gloria Osunbor, who accused him of smoking India hemp and also commercialising Jesus Christ.

Gloria told the court that she was the one that established the church before she got married to her husband, but that she was surprised that her husband had taken over the church overnight. She also narrated to the court how her husband wanted to forcefully make love to his niece when she went to work.

In his defence, Pastor Kennedy said he still loved his wife and would not like to lose her. He admitted that he was truly a weed smoker and that he could not survive without smoking Indian hemp, especially on Sunday, when he had to mount the pulpit to preach to the congregation.

He said he went into full-time ministry when local government officials demolished his shop. However, the marriage could not be saved as it was dissolved after series of adjournments.