My first Love Simi


My first love? I met him when I was 13 and in SS1. He was new in my school. How do you really explain that as a child? But it did happen, and he left my school after a while. We met somewhere later and we drifted apart again. That was final.
Now, I am in a relationship with someone and I hope I end up settling down with him. I do not think relationships should just be for leisure. I cannot really speak for anybody but for me. If I am giving you an access to that part of my life, then it has to be worth my while and worth his while as well. But I can’t force it. If he is the one, fine and if not, fine.
I handle men the same way I did before fame came. There is nothing wrong if a guy likes a lady; you do not have to be rude. You just have to let them know what is on your mind in a polite manner.