Muslim group to herdsmen:  Allah abhors you


The Ameer of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, Sheikh Muhammadu Jameel Muhammadu, has condemned the activities of the Fulani herdsmen in the country, saying their murderous activities are forbidden and anti-Islam.
This comes in the wake of the herdsmen encroaching on other people’s lands, thereby killing and destroying properties.
Ameer Jameel said that land encroachment, according to the Sharia, is prohibited and a very grievous sin in Islam.
He noted that the basic principle envisaged in Islam relating to land ownership is the concept that land vests solely in Allah (S.W.T.) That is, land, as a free and universal gift from Allah, must be utiliSed to the fullest. It was also given to men for their common use as well as for the general welfare of the
“Whilst Islam recognises the right to use one’s property, it does not favour or condone, or grant the freedom to destroy, squander or use one’s property for illegitimate purposes.
“A person or proprietor is entitled in law to the right of private defence over his property. The right of private ownership is protected but may be limited by legislation or the law,” he explained.
Jameel buttressed his point, saying, “There is a narration from Edna Ali, that the Prophet (S.A.W) told him four things that whoever engages in them, bears Allah’s curse and one of them is, “la hanallah monkaya ramadanu rasullahla”, which means,” Allah has cursed anybody who changes the demarcation of any land, once, even if it is by an inch; that means that person is under Allah’s curse.
“So it is completely an haram (abomination) as far as Islam is concerned.”
Jameel particularly related it to the activities of the Fulani herdsmen in the country, stressing that, grazing on another person’s land is also a forbidden act, because in another narration of Ibn Mushood, he was given an explanation on things that are not lawful and as well as those that are lawful.
He said in-between them are things that are ambiguous and an example of an ambiguity is for a herdsman to take his flock and be grazing with them on the bank of someone else’s farm.
“Even if it is at is at the edge of someone else’s farm, it is wrong to graze. This is because, what will likely happen is that the animals will go into the farm and cause destruction of another person’s tillage.
“It is forbidden because the Prophet (SAW) said we should avoid anything that is ambiguous and this case is a case of ambiguity; so Islam abhors entering into another person’s sanctuary, which is totally unacceptable,” he