Mr. President, help save NOUN


The National Open University of Nigeria was established in 2002 with the vision of catering to a section of the populace desirous of tertiary education outside of the confines of the regular university system.

Since its establishment, NOUN has served tens of thousands of students in different locations, contributing in no small measure to the human capacity development of the country.

That vision and continuity of NOUN’s contribution to national development is now under serious threat, constituted by the man you have entrusted the leadership of this prestigious institution.

Mr President, before you appointed Professor Abdallah Adamu as the Vice Chancellor of NOUN, the institution in furtherance of its mandate as the flagship tertiary institution for Open and Distance Learning in Nigeria, utilised a harmonised learning management portal called iLEARN that allows for online instructional delivery through the combination of audio, video and text mediums.

Since its adoption, the iLEARN technology has proved to be a mainframe ICT component in the operations of NOUN, facilitating seamless connections between the teaching staff and students.

The iLEARN Project, for example, catered to the prison in-mates, particularly the Kirikiri Maximum Prison in-mates, ensuring that they locally have access to study materials, audio-visual resources, and past questions, and updating same, monthly as updated on the iLEARN portal.

This intervention no longer exists as the VC has pulled the plug on this portal, throwing the institution in a digital darkness.

Graduating students of NOUN had always enjoyed the benefits of carrying out their clearance virtually through a customised platform developed for the school by iLearn to aid the clearance process.

As it is, graduands of the just concluded convocation had to travel from their respective destinations to the headquarters of the University in Abuja. This task has not only become tedious and time consuming, some of the graduating students have not been