Moringa: Ultimate healing food


This super food is said to impact on man’s health in a major way. Some of the health concerns that moringa may improve include anemia, asthma, arthritis, constipation, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, gastritis, intestinal ulcers, heart conditions, headaches, high blood pressure, inflammation, kidney stones, thyroid disorders, infections, sex drive, athlete’s foot, warts, dandruff, snake bites and gingivitis. Additionally, it is said to stimulate immunity and breast milk production. Moringa leaf boosts your energy in a natural manner, and is a remarkable source of nutrition. This energy promotion does not happen because of sugar, so it is lasts for a long time. Individuals ingesting it say that their ulcers are healed, tumors restricted, there are reduction in the arthritis pains and inflammations, controlled blood pressure, the skin problems are restored, and finally, they have stronger defenses against diseases.

Moringa is rich in a variety of health-enhancing compounds, including moringine, moringinine, the potent antioxidants quercetin,kaempferol, rhamnetin, and various polyphenols.The leaves seemtobegetting themostmarket attention,notably for their use in reducing high blood pressure, eliminating water weight, and lowering cholesterol.It has been used in Europe as a liver tonic and is indicated as beneficial in a whole range of liver and gall bladder conditions, including hepatitis and cirrhosis. It may also have value in the treatment of chronic uterine problems.

Recipe for moringa vegetable salad


Freshly picked moringa

oleifera leaves or power

Medium size cabbage

4 medium size carrot,

Lettuce leaves 2 cups of green beans

Half cup peas (optional)

one can baked beans

2 big size of cucumber

4 eggs (optional)

Salad cream (optional if watching your weight)


• C h o p the green beans, cucumber and carrot and set aside in different bowls or plates.

• Slice the cabbage and the lettuce leaves and add the moringa leaves. Boil the eggs and remove the shell.

• You then need to soften the cabbage,greenbeans carrot andpeas, You have to boil carrot, green beans and peas together and soak the cabbage in hot waterfor a minute.

• Addthe carrot,greenbeans andpeas toboiling(small)water, and steam for 3 to 5 minutes justto soften them a little. Boil hot water and pour into the sliced cabbage in a bowl, allow for a minute then sieve out the water.

• A l s o sieve the water out of the carrot/green beans and peas and set on a bowl. Now you are ready forthe mixing part.

• At this point, you mix the ingredients.Sprinkle ahandfulof cabbageonthe tray, andthensprinkle the carrot/green beans/peas, also the lettuce leaf and moringa leaf.

• Slice the egg and drop on the top of the mixture. The egg is mostly for garnishing. The final mixing is done as people dish out the salad; you add the salad cream and bakedbeans.This isbecausewhenthe two are mixed early, it could make it sour after a while.

• The salad could be served with any rice recipe.