Living in bondage (2)


This is the continuation of a true life story of a newly married couple. During their honeymoon, the wife found that her husband was a sex pervert…

By the next day, I was already weak and had pains all over me, but my husband was at his element. We rested for that night. I asked him what was in the fizzy drink; he just said something ‘to give energy.’

The next night was the greatest nightmare as he promised not to do ‘the teasing’ with me until I was ready. He, however, said he had one more style he wanted us to try. When I complained of headache, he gave me a white tablet, which I thought was a painkiller. After taking it, I was strong and was virtually in Cloud 9. That was when the shocker came. Before I knew it, he had rubbed lubricants on our private parts. This time, he did the ‘anal’ and I could not resist because I was not myself again. But it was painful and he told me that it would ease with time.

We did not go out of the room; all he kept on ordering were food, the fizzy drink and white tablets, which he said would ease the pain. I got used to the tablets to the point that I started begging him for it and he was forcing me to promise that I would do anything he asked for. By this time, the oral teasing and anal styles were no more new to me. I kept on asking myself if I was really the one doing those things. There was nothing I did not do. I found myself even smiling with joy in front of the camera he was using to record our acts.

A week later, I was really down with pains. Though I begged for the tablets, he gave me real painkillers and asked me to sleep. He went out when he was sure that I was asleep. But I woke up to the sounds of people moaning and I went to check the living room. I got the shocker of my life when I met my husband with the hotel male member of staff, who used to bring the items, cuddled in steaming hot romance. He asked me to join them but I backed out. They continued without any compulsion. When they were through and the guy had left, I told my husband that I wanted to go home. He begged and tried to explain that he could not have a normal relationship with a woman except for those acts and that was why he joined the prayer meeting the other time in his church, to see if he could be cured of the obsession. He went further to say that, apart from some men who were also into such things, the only women he could do such to, were the commercial sex workers.

According to him, it all started with his parents’ houseboy, who introduced him to some acts. Getting to secondary boarding school, some senior students went further with him and by the time he travelled out of the country for tertiary education, he only had to look for masters of the game. The hotel where we were staying was like a joint to him and that was why he could get the fizzy and tablets easily from his partner.

He begged me to help him; that we could have a baby by any method of fertilisation that I wanted if the doctors could do it. It was then I realised that some friends that I used to meet in his house were usually there for something else. As he was talking to me, I was crying and shivering, begging him for those tablets. He said he could not give me any as those tablets and fizzy drinks were mixed with cocaine and that was why I could do those things with him. By this time, I could not bear it again and promised to do anything so long as I got the tablets. He refused and that was when I started having the withdrawal symptoms.

For days, I was very ill; he was afraid too and when I could move unaided, I found a way to get to the hotel reception when he went out

For the concluding part of this story and others, grab your copy of The Point from your nearest vendor