Liquid air freshner, mega bucks earner


Liquid air freshener production and sales is one business venture you can look into, considering the fact that it is essential for every home, office or business premise.

Everyone loves to perceive nice scents and aroma in their homes, offices, toilets, bathrooms, closet, rooms, hotels, restaurants, kitchens, among others. Liquid air freshener is a highly concentrated perfume with a cleaning component, which helps to eliminate unpleasant odour and spread pleasant fragrance.

The good thing about liquid air freshener is that it is easy to use in a spray bottle and therefore easy to spread through the room.

It is also used as a mild cleaner. Basically, liquid air freshener is used to take away offensive odour and keep things and the environment smelling good and fresh.

You can produce your own liquid air freshener, by having a mixture of fragrance, thereby creating your own label and sell to the public to make some money.

The good thing is that you don’t need more that N10,000 start-up capital to make a profit of about N30,000 or more.

The liquid air freshener production business is a profitable business, considering that there are known brand names like Airwick drummer, Swiss air freshener and Glade, which have been in the market for decades, coupled with the fact that the production process is very simple.

liqIt involves the combina – tion or mixture of some ingredients (chemicals) t o g e t h e r in the right proportion, and this process does not require the use of any special equipment or machine, as everything can be done manually.

The producer of Arise ‘n’ Shine Air Freshener Gel, Mr. Timothy Arishekola, said that an advantage in venturing into the air freshener business is that you don’t need to rent a shop or space before you can start your business, as it can be done at the backyard of your house.

The equipment needed for making air freshener include: mixing bowls, which may be plastic or stainless, measuring cans, stirring rod, turning stick, reagents (chemicals needed for production) and weighing scale.

Prices of the raw materials could have changed and might vary d e p e n d i n g on the market. A p a r t from the chemicals, you need water, glove and rags in the production process, as you will be mixing chemicals.