Life after Ramadan


Now that the blessed month of Ramadan has ended with its beautiful days and fragrant nights, it suffices to say that the month of the Qur’an, taqwa, patience, mercy, forgiveness has gone.
We all know that most Muslims during the just ended month of righteousness were fasting in the day, praying at night and performing different kinds of sacrificial acts to get reward and to be saved from the Fire.
With the departure of the month, a stage of our lives has passed. Such is how we pass days of this life in stages on our way to the everlasting abode. Indeed, continuation of good deeds at all time is the character of righteous people as acts of obedience do not have a specific time. It is rather Allah’s unconditional injunction on His servants as long as they are alive.
Though, the month of Ramadan is an opportunity for the faithful to race with one another towards recording good deeds and an opportunity to direct one’s soul towards good acts and keep it from vices; yet, it is quite incumbent on Muslims to remain on the path of righteousness even after Ramadan. Worshipping Allah should not be restricted to Ramadan alone. There is no end to a Muslim’s worship except when he dies.
The Prophet (SAW) also says, “Fear Allah wherever you are, follow up the evil deeds with good ones. The good will atone for the evil ones, and relate with people with good conduct.” (Reported by At-Tirmidhee)
Let those who are determined to go back to sins after Ramadan know that Allah is always pleased with those who obey Him, regardless of the month the obedience takes place, and is angry with those who disobey Him, irrespective of the month the disobedience takes place.
Muslims should take note not to fall into forbidden acts such as forbidden sayings, food and drinks, or by looking at or listening to what is forbidden, like returning to watching musical entertainment and women displaying their adornment beyond what Islam permits.

With the end of the Ramadan season, fasting is still recommended during other months. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) has recommended fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. He said, “Deeds are presented to Allah on Mondays and Thursdays and I would like that my deeds be presented while I am fasting.”
It is also reported that he admonished Aboo Hurayrahra thus, “Fasting for three days every month is (equal to) fasting forever.” (Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim).
He also says, “Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadaan and then follows it with six days fasting in Shawwaal has done as if he has fasted for life.” (Reported by Muslim).

Also when it comes to night prayers during Ramadan, it is recommended that it should continue throughout the year. Muslims leaving the five-time prayers in congregation, after they filled mosques for Taraweeh prayers, thus going to the masjid for recommended prayers and leaving obligatory ones, is not pleasing to Allah.
It has been authentically reported by the Prophet (SAW) that Allah would usually descend to the nearest heaven to the world in the last three nights to the end of the fasting period, saying, “Who is going to call me that I may answer him? Who is going to ask from me that I may give to him? Who is going to seek for my forgiveness that I may forgive him?”
Therefore, the most pleasing to Allah of all acts are the ones that are continuously done.

Now that Ramadan has ended, we all have to make sure it stays with us. How? Everybody knows that Ramadan lasts for only a month, 29 or 30 wonderful days. The special month is a time to get closer to Allah (SWT), physically and mentally. And we have to take care not to lose this closeness with Allah (SWT).
Mentally, muslims should endeavour to keep up with the closeness thereafter with doing deeds of righteousness such as I‘tikaaf in the mosque whenever there is the opportunity, severing all ties with fellow beings and meditating with the creator by reciting the glorious Quran. They should also give preference to the obedience of the Lord  over their own desires.
Since we strive to strengthen our bodies with both the physical and mental power that we need to complete our fasting, let’s take a step further and make it last throughout the year by observing the five daily prayers, which require bowing and prostrating with total submission and steadfastness to Allah. It takes real devotion to Allah to fast for His sake only. There is a hadith narrated by Sufyaan ibn ‘Abdallah (RA) who said, “O Messenger of Allah (SAW), tell me something about Islam, which I cannot ask anyone else besides you.” He (SAW) replied, “Say, ‘I believe in Allah’ and then be steadfast (upon that).”

We know that Ramadan is a very special time in our lives. In addition to the obvious, fasting from sunrise to sunset, we must also abstain from so many other things. One added bonus that comes with fasting is that we actually learn to be more kind to those around us. If zakat ul fitr comes to an end, then there is still the zakat that is still obligatory as well as the voluntary charity that lasts the whole year. Being kind and showing love to the less privileged as well as every other good deed that was sought, must be performed at all times. Therefore, the zeal that was felt throughout Ramadan must continue through the whole year.
It is unfortunate to find that some people perform worship by doing righteous deeds only during Ramadan. They guard strictly upon their five daily prayers, they recite Quran, and they give charity. But when Ramadan comes to an end, they grow lazy in their worship. Sometimes, they even abandon their obligation entirely.
Truly, there is much reward that Allah grants his servant in the fasting of Ramadan. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran, “He wants you to complete the same number of days and that you must magnify Allah (by saying Allah Akbar) for having guided you, so that you may be grateful to Him.” (Quran 2: 185)
Ramadan is a time to correct and change our habits that we have acquired over the year without the whispers of Shaytan, because it is the time in which Shaytan is locked up and he does not have the powers to twist our thoughts and change our good actions. The first step is always hard to take, but Ramadan is the time to do it. So, after Ramadan, we should all try to keep up with our good deeds—praying at the correct times, doing charity to the less fortunate, and genuinely being more patient and kind with one another.
May Allah (SWT) shower us with blessings, forgive our sins and grant us all Paradise. Ameen!