I will uphold law without bias, says new Oyo CP, Sonubi


The new Commissioner of Police in Oyo State, Ayodele Sonubi, has assured that the Nigeria Police Force will continue to uphold its statutory responsibilities of protecting lives and property.

Sonubi who said this on Thursday in Ibadan during his inaugural media briefing said this would be without prejudice to background, religion or association.

The CP also assured that the Police Command in Oyo State under his watch, would not tolerate the existence of any criminal enterprise.

“I will not hesitate to identify, isolate and bring to deserved justice any person or group that may attempt to threaten the existing relative tranquillity in the state,” he said.

Sonubi disclosed that, as part of the modalities put in place to further secure the state, the Police Command in the state has further rejigged its security architecture.

“This is to accommodate more actionable tools to clamp down on criminal elements through the adoption of a five-step action plan with our sister security services, tagged ‘RACAI’, which is Robust Inter-Agency Collaborations.

“We have amplified community policing engagements, capacity-building for police officers through training and retraining.

“Also, there is advanced intelligence and technology-driven policing, just as we are increasing layers of supervision for our officers and men, and increased visibility policing, among others,” he said.

The CP assured of better collaboration with groups such as the Police Community Relations Committee.

“To our immediate family, the PCRC, I acknowledge your immeasurable contributions.

“We also reassure you that we shall further consolidate on the existing relationship while soliciting your continued collaboration and support,” he said.

Sonubi also assured newsmen of a cordial police-media relationship, and acknowledged them as worthy partners in the business of perception and image management.

“On behalf of the Police Command, I look forward to formidable partnerships and strong collaborations with residents and all citizens in Oyo State.

“If you see something, say something and the Police will immediately do something,” Sonubi said. (NAN)