I pity Gov. Shettima, I don’t envy Zullum


I am not a prophet or a soothsayer. Therefore on what premise or “locus standi” I am saying what I will now say or committing the same into writing? More so,  what I want to say may sound morally prejudicial or might be biased to a party that is involved in the issue at stake.

I know that my position or forecast, in the likely outcome of all the elections from the Presidential, National Assembly and down to the State House of Assembly in Borno State,  will provoke, prick or prod argument for or against. However, in so doing, I seek protection or refuge by stating categorically that whatever I say now is without prejudice to what would be the ultimate results in the coming elections in Borno State. A newsman is not only to report events but must also investigate, postulate, predict or forecast leaving the final judgement or decision or outcome to the concerned.

Going by the results of the 2015 elections in Borno State where the All Progressives Congress won all the seats from the Presidential, National Assembly and down to the State House of Assembly, compared to the current happenings in the state, one cannot but predict with avalanche of evidence on ground that the APC is likely to repeat the same feat of 2015 leaving the Peoples Democratic Party  possibly in limbo. Unlike in 2015 when the PDP was strong as the opposition, in 2019, the party in the state is seriously factionalised. The worst came when some pillars of the party in the state and at the centre like Senator Ali Modu Sheriff, former Governor Mohammed Goni and others defected to APC thus weakening the strength of the opposition. 

There is also the allegation, rightly or wrongly,  that the leadership of APC in the state played a subterranean influence in causing division in the state PDP to the advantage of the APC. These, including the power of incumbency,  are amongst some factors which make prediction of the victory of APC in the 2019 elections in the state a reality, bearing any unusual happening to turn the table. Hence, what informed the subject matter of today titled, “I pity Shettima, I don’t envy Zullum.” 

This article is based on the perceived victory of APC over PDP. Traversing the state on party campaign tour, Governor Kashim Shettima along with Professor Babagana Umara Zullum, the APC gubernatorial candidate, got resounding accolades from the people for the achievements of the government since 2011. Besides, Professor Zullum was an easy commodity to be sold to the electorate as, before now, he was the Commissioner in charge of the Ministry of Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Resettlement of all the Internally Displaced Persons . So, as they moved from place to place, town to town, village to village, the people, especially the IDPs,  already settled at their permanent homes provided by Zullum’s Ministry, came face to face with the builder of their permanent abode.

However, in spite of the good reception and accolades for Shettima and his team, there are still some rivers to cross for Shettima and his successor, Zullum. The insurgents are still on the prowl in some parts of the state. There are still killings here and there; Shettima is still running from pillar to post consoling the bereaved, the broken homes, the tattered livess in both civilian and military population. Shettima,  in spite of his success in the provision of essentials and mass-oriented programmes for the past seven and half years,  is still counting his losses in human and materials with debit balance sheet of deaths, blood and sorrow. With all these devastation, hellish brutality from the demons of destruction, Shettima was quoted to have stated categorically, “I am an unhappy Governor.”

Though,  Shettima, in spite of the security challenges,  has been rated as one of the best performing Governors, but he has some regrets. One of such is his desire to return all the IDPs to their permanent homes two years ago, but this remains an illusion. He had succeeded in taking thousands of the IDPs to their permanent homes but the upsurge of the insurgency continues to make this dream of his, a project yet to be accomplished. This is certainly one of his regrets. This will be one of the unfinished businesses he will hand over to his successor, Prof. Zullum.

Prof. Zullum, I don’t envy you for so many reasons as an incoming governor, more so, as Governor of Borno State, the most traumatised, dehumanised, terrorised, tortured and violated entity so far in the 21st century. Yours is a heritage of blood stained banner, a legacy of orphans, widows, tattered lives, broken homes, a legacy of man inhumanity to man, broken limbs, looted barns, a devastated trillions of Naira worth of infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, markets, churches, mosques and countless of others. 

Part of the legacy that would be bequeathed to you also include over two million IDPs and over 100, 000 souls who are already six feet under the ground. Prof. Umara, I am not sure whether you are already perceiving the smell or negative aura of the vortex power politics of Borno where everything goes as everything is free, fair and foul. Do I say everything Machiavellian – the end justifies the means in the power game.

From the very first day of your assumption of office as the Executive Governor of Borno, your sleep has been murdered – no thanks to Boko Haram sect whose members will give you sleepless nights,  if not perpetual nightmare. You will have to bolster through the debris of catastrophe. You will need the grace, the mercy of your creator to go through the rough and turbulent terrain inhabited by men in the garment of terror, insurgency and the bloody backs. You will be inundated with the tales, fiction or true stories of political Boko Haram, religious Boko Haram, criminal Boko Haram as well as those of the other agents of destabilisation. 

You will be cajoled, intimidated, condemned, praised or castigated. It is true you are from the ivory tower before your sudden sojourn in politics, but remember, whereas in the academic world, theories and hypothesis are in vogue, but this might sound strange in politics where you are dealing with creatures designated as human beings whose administration is not mathematical; where two plus two will make four. After all, the Holy Bible made us to realise that even our Almighty God, the creator of all things, including human beings was rattled by the wickedness and disposition in man he created.

I am told by those close to Zullum that he is a prayer warrior. Let him pray well. The same God that saw him triumph over the 20 APC gubernatorial aspirants, will see him through in his journey of administering Borno State.

*Victor Izekor, a journalist and public affairs analysts, writes at victorizekor@gmail.com