At Kennis Music, I sponsored my videos yet they took credit – Jaywon


After a five-year romance, Iledare Oluwajuwonlo, popularly known as Jaywon, exited
Kennis Music in 2014 amid controversies. In this interview with OLUSHOLA RICKETTS,
the singer speaks on his relationship with his former music label, controversies
surrounding his exit, and being the latest baby father in the industry without necessarily
being married

People were shocked when the news of the birth of your son broke recently. How did you manage to keep the mother off the spotlight?
I just try as much as possible to mind my business. For me, putting your relationship in the media kills more than cheating. You could cheat and get away with it. But there are certain things you do not put out in the media. If you do, you might regret it. It was actually tough to get deep with someone, but I am now a father.
Was having the baby accidental or planned?
It was not planned. But when it happened, I had to be responsible. I am not ready for marriage now and there was an understanding between the mother of my child and I. You know, I still have a whole lot ahead of me. And I do not think you have to be married to be responsible. Now, I just want to be responsible for my child and the mother.
Why are you not ready for marriage? Are you scared?
I am not scared; I just feel I am not mature enough for marriage. I am not
ready psychologically. For like a year or two now, I have been trying to cut off some wrong things I do. I am trying to prepare myself for another life; waking up and having someone by my side. In marriage, before you do anything, your partner must be involved 100 per cent. You must be conscious of other women and staying out late, among others.

As an artiste, you do not know where you would be tomorrow. It is December now, and I see myself moving from one state to another. I could be in Taraba on Saturday and I have to be in Ibadan on Sunday too. So, would this lady understand that part? Does she know she has to sacrifice a whole lot as well? So, I need to put all these in that person’s mind before marriage.

Do you intend to marry your baby mama?

If possible, yes. If we have that understanding, I would marry her.

How did you feel the first time you held your baby?
The reality set in. I knew I was now a man and I must be responsible for the child until he clocks 20. From the first day I carried him, I could see lots of me in him. I feel really blessed and happy.

Some of your new songs are rich but struggling to get attention. Why is it so?
Yes, I have many records that people do not pay attention to. I do not want to put the blame on the media or youths. But I think nobody really pays much attention to creativity again; the industry has changed. No matter how much effort you put into a work, if it does not sound like every other person making wave at that point, it might be very hard for it to penetrate the market. That is the problem and I do not want to sound like anyone. I want to make music that would outlive me.

However, everyone’s blessing differs. The way you are blessed is not the way I am. The fact that I am not making hit records now does not affect me, because I know it is normal. When the right song comes, people would embrace it.

Could it be that the ghost of Kennis Music still haunts you?
Does this mean the people on the label are better than me? Do they have more followers or shows than me? Do they look better or make more money than me? I still make big money for Kennis Music. You need to know the amount of money I make for them in a year and I still get money from them as well.

Before I made ‘Odun Yi’, I did not have a hit song for like two years and I was still with Kennis Music. So, it is one of those things in life. I could remember for some years Oriste Femi was not relevant again, until he sang ‘Double Wahala’. Before ‘Limpopo,’ Kcee was nowhere too.

There are some artistes who cannot defend themselves when such question is thrown at them, simply because they do not understand. The people that would last for longer years in music are those who believe in what they do. For me, when the time comes, you would hail me with the same mouth you once cursed me with.

Was it true that Kennis Music threatened to deal with you?
I am a child of God, nobody can deal with me. I did not have issues with Baba Keke (Kenny Ogungbe). If I had issues with him, we would never talk again. I was with the label for almost five years. The only problem I had with him was the fact that he did not understand my own vision. I just wanted to do something differently and move ahead.

In 2017, people would get to understand me more. My label, Next World Music, has decided to sign an artiste. Next year, you would see more of us.

Are you not under pressure to produce a song as successful as ‘Odun Yi’?
I do not want to make a track like that again; I want to do something that is different. Also, you do not know a hit song; all we do is to push every song we make. My new song featuring Mr. Easy, ‘Another Level,’ is doing pretty well. Though it is doing better outside Nigeria in places like Kenya and Ghana, it is just a matter of time before Nigerians embraced it. I have shot a video for it, which would be released in January.

Why do people keep saying that the late Nomoreloss wrote ‘Odun Yi’?
This music industry is funny. When he was alive, nobody said anything. I wonder why they are saying this now. When I started seeing reports that the man who wrote Jaywon’s ‘Odun Yi’ had died, I was shocked.
The news came up at a time and I killed it. If you write a song for me, I would make it known to the public. At some point too, I called the producer and put it on speaker to
convince some friends. I have always been the one writing songs for people. At Kennis Music, I wrote ‘Facebook Love’ and ‘Jawo Jawo’. I just wrote a new song for Tonto Dike as well and we plan to promote it soon.

Was Nomoreloss in the studio during production?
Yes, he was in the studio, while we were producing. He loved the song, he wanted to be on it, but he could only help me to backup. I appreciate the part he did for me, which made me to end the song with his name. It is really painful when you do something and credit is given to another person. Nobody would write a song for a Kennis Music’s artiste, without asking for his entitlement. People wait for such opportunity.

Why do artistes often have issues with Kenni s Music?
Before you sign a contract, make sure you look into it well. At least, you should know how many years and albums. When you are under contract, fulfill all the terms. And when your label refuses to release an album for you, you have the right to ask questions or sue them. But most people do not under- stand their contracts and if you do not understand that, you cannot survive.
My case is even different. When I was under Kennis Music, I spent money on my music. But most people did not know this. Since I was under a label, I was not supposed to invest my money in music. I can count how many videos I shot with my money. On these videos, I still gave the credit to Kennis Music. If your label does not have money to make videos for you and you decide to do nothing as well, who does that affect? Since I had been shooting videos while I was even with a label, it becomes easy for me to shoot videos
now. So, if I am asked to return to Kennis Music, what do I want to go there for? Do you want me to go and spend my money there? It is about knowing what to do with your life
and following it up.
Do you know some people still feel you were ungrateful to Kennis Music?
If I start to defend myself and try to tell people the truth, a lot of things would get spoilt; a lot of controversies would come up again. Nobody forced me to join the label; I signed the contract myself. So, I am responsible for whatever went wrong.

I did not go to Kennis Music to look for contract. They saw me somewhere and got interested in me. Most people do not know this and I cannot go out there to start explaining myself to everyone. I do not even like to waste my energy on certain things. I have a baby now and I need to take care of him. We are all humans; we are not perfect, but I like to be remembered for good things. How much can controversies do in your life? I hate to be seen as an ingrate.