Hepatitis: Early testing, diagnosis key to detection, treatment – Dr Ajayi


As the world marks Hepatitis Day, Dr Oluseyi Ajayi, Registrar in Internal Medicine, Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, in this interview with MAYOWA SAMUEL, says early testing and diagnosis are very important in the detection and treatment of Hepatitis.

Uba Group

How does one get infected by Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a viral infection that affects the liver. It can be contacted via birth or sharing of sharp objects, eating contaminated foods, sexually, blood transfusion amongst many others. Here in Africa, the commonest causes are mother to child and through contact with sharp objects used by an infected person.

Adamawa is said to have the highest rate in Nigeria. What could possibly be responsible?

Yes, it is more prevalent in the north because of lack of awareness. People know more about HIV and COVID-19 than Hepatitis. Also, people are not aware that there is a vaccine for Hepatitis but they are aware that there is vaccine for COVID-19. They are also aware that there are Hepatitis vaccines for babies but don’t know that there are vaccines for adults. There is no adequate screening for it and people are not well screened for it. Over all, mother to child too, people give birth through traditional methods where they don’t run these tests. People also have sex indiscriminately or use clippers previously used by a Hepatitis patient. How many people have their own clippers? Additionally, you often see Northern barbers use blade and knife to cut hair. This exposes people to risks. Some people share toothbrush, too. These are things one should not do so as to be on the safe side. But people don’t know. So, awareness, early testing and diagnosis are important in the detection and treatment of Hepatitis

What are the symptoms?

Some people don’t have any symptoms. It’s not like malaria that you contact and you start experiencing symptoms after two weeks. But when some people with hepatitis eventually starts having symptoms, they come down with yellowness of the eyes, swollen abdomen, and swollen legs, depending on whether it is acute or chronic. If it is acute, some of them will come down with stooling, vomiting and fever, but can resolve on its own. For the chronic ones, the person can have jaundice, which is yellowness of the eyes, swollen abdomen and swollen legs, itchy and dark coloured urine.
And let me quickly add that there are A,B and C types of Hepatitis. They are all viral infections. However, Hepatitis A are contracted through eating contaminated foods while Hepatitis B and C are contaminated through sharing of sharp objects, blood transfusion, etc. Another thing is the time it takes to manifest which is called the incubation period. This varies, too.

Type B and C, especially, can lead to chronic Hepatitis or cancer. ‘A’ doesn’t usually lead to chronic Hepatitis.

What are the effects of Hepatitis on the body system?

Like our people say, so many things can kill a man. Before Hepatitis manifests in some people, it takes years and some people don’t experience symptoms. Some of the Hepatitis resolve on their own, they just come and go like that. B and C can become chronic hepatitis or cancerous. It’s a merciful illness that can resolve on its own.

What about anti-bodies in people against COVID, do people have anti-bodies against Hepatitis?

People have anti-bodies; some people’s Hepatitis will resolve after some time because their anti-bodies are able to win the battle against these viruses. In some other people, it may not be so. When anything enters the body, the body produces anti-bodies against it. In some people, the anti-bodies remain, in some other people, the anti-bodies will not win, that is why there is a need for vaccination whereby you introduce some substances because of the virus, so that there will be enough anti-bodies even before you probably get infected with the virus.

What’s your advice to carriers of this virus but don’t have symptoms?

Early testing and diagnosis are very important. They should also inform their partners, so that they don’t spread it. It is a very expensive illness to have because you have to be running some tests periodically and they are expensive. Those who have it need to take their drugs and see their doctors regularly. They can also get vaccinated and continue to live a healthier life, watch what they eat, watch what they do with their bodies.

Is there any link between the abuse of paracetamol, intake of red meat and Hepatitis as people would want us to believe?

Paracetamol overdose can only lead to liver damage and has nothing to do with Hepatitis. Then the eating of meat, toxins are metablolised in the liver; the liver does some detoxification of harmful substances. Except the meat is contaminated, it can’t lead to hepatitis. It’s not only red meat that is harmful. Anything taken in excess whether red meat, paracetamol or even alcohol, is harmful.