The acting Inspector-General of Police, Olukayode Egbetokun has instituted a seven-man panel of inquiry, headed by the Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of the Force Criminal Investigation Department, Abuja, Abiodun Alabi, with a mandate to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of a police cadet, Sulaiman Jika at the Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil, Kano State.
Other members of the panel include the Assistant Inspector General, Training and Development, Oyeyemi Oyediran; Force Medical Officer, CP Garba Nzukwen; CP Homicide FCID, Fom-Pam Joseph, CP Training POLAC, CP Patrick Edung; a representative of the CP Legal as the secretary, and the Principal Staff Officer II to the IG, ACP Idris Abubakar.
Egbetokun also ordered the panel to furnish his office with a comprehensive report detailing its findings and recommendations within four days; while extending his heartfelt condolences and commiserations to Jika’s family, relations, and the academy community, and assuring that he was deeply empathetic to their pains and loss; and that the Force would do the needful to ensure justice is done in the case.
Jika died on Saturday at the Police Academy in Wudil, Kano State.