CSMC Arojah District Boys’ Brigade holds enrolment service


The Boys’ Brigade of Nigeria unit of the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church (Ayo Ni o), Arojah District Headquarters, Iju-Ishaga, Lagos, has held its fifth Enrolment Service/Investiture of patrons.
Delivering the sermon during the service, the General Leader, CSMC Unshakeable God, Olorunsogo District, Special Apostle (Dr.) Akande, charged the members of the church’s Boys’ Brigade to live up to the expectations of the congregation.
Akande enjoined them to rededicate their lives to the service of the church and God, as youths, by eschewing worldly things.
He also charged them to serve God in their efforts to further the objective of the Boys’ Brigade, which is the advancement of Christ’s kingdom among youths and the promotion of the virtues of obedience, discipline and self-respect.
The Acting Leader of CSMC, Arojah District Headquarters, Most Senior Apostle Soji Olagunju, urged the members of the Boys’ Brigade in the church not to waver in contributing their quota towards building the Nigerian nation through their service to God and man.
Olagunju prayed that God should grant the members of the church’s Boys’ Brigade the strength and courage to continue to faithfully discharge their responsibilities to the body of Christ and country.
The highlights of the occasion included the marching in of the colour party, the investiture of the Brigade patrons, father and mother as well as the marching out of the colour party of the Boys’ Brigade.