Coalition: GNI, Paseda disagree ahead of 2019 polls


The governorship candidate of the Unity Party of Nigeria in the 2015 general elections in Ogun, Otunba Rotimi Paseda, has denied any political arrangement with the standard bearer of the Peoples Democratic Party during the same polls in the state, Prince Gboyega Nasir Isiaka.

Paseda said that he had no plans to forge any form of coalition with Isiaka in the forthcoming 2019 polls.

But in a swift reaction, Isiaka explained that his meeting with the UPN governorship candidate was only aimed at bringing political aspirants, who had the interest of the state at heart together, for the purpose of forming a formidable force in the run-up to the 2019 elections.

Paseda said in an exclusive interview in Abeokuta that he had not formed any political coalition with Isaika, who he said only invited him as a guest to an event organised recently in Sagamu by his Believe Movement group.

The UPN governorship candidate, who spoke through his Media Director, Micheal Ogunsiji, explained that his meeting with the PDP standard bearer was to strengthen the friendship between them.

He said, “For now, it is only brotherhood, no coalition as such. There is no amalgamation between GNI’s political camp and Paseda’s camp. What exists between them is brotherhood based on friendship and politics of tolerance. Before 2019, definitely something can still come up, but for now, there is no coalition and before 2019, there may be re-alignment of forces between Paseda and GNI.”

The UPN gubernatorial candidate, who said that he had not given up his political ambition to be the governor of the state, said that he had been making attempts to win more members into his camp.

“Paseda is still very much alive in the governorship race of Ogun State come 2019, but the platform we are going to use, we are not going to reveal that for now because we are trying to bring in people into the camp of Otunba Rotimi Paseda. We have been negotiating, we have been meeting people and consulting with political heavywieghts to team up with him to form a formidable party. The UPN has been his baby, his idea and he has been the sole financier of the UPN,” he said.

Isiaka, who also spoke through his Media Assistant, Mr. Wale Junaid, said that the meeting was to prepare the ground for the two candidates to meet ahead of the 2019 elections in the state.

“At the moment, all aspirants that have genuine interest of Ogun State at heart are trying to look at the possibility of coming together. And in terms of brand, GNI and Paseda are very close. So, if two of them are trying to talk and see some possibilities ahead, there is nothing bad in that,” he said.