Catholic bishops harp on alms giving, reconciliation as Christians begin Lent


Uba Group


The Catholic Bishop of Osogbo Diocese, Most Rev John Oyejola and his counterpart in Oyo Diocese, Most Rev Emmanuel Badejo have called on Christians to prioritise almsgiving and reconciliation of differences as the Lenten season begins.

They also tasked followers of Christ to assist the nation in reducing wickedness, injustice, anger, conflict and bloodshed through their Lenten practices.

In their separate messages to mark this year’s Ash Wednesday, the clerics tasked Nigerians, especially Christians to do more of alms giving and reconcile their indifferences with one another as they commenced their forty days of fasting and prayer.

Speaking in his message entitled: “Living to Please God,” Bishop Oyejola tasked Christians to participate actively in the three spiritual exercises of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, the sacraments, the word of God and all the activities lined up for the holy season. “This should be done as individuals, families, and as communities. I invite you all to observe this holy season by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

“Indeed, almsgiving, for all who practise it, is an excellent offering in the presence of the Most High.” (Tobit 4:10-11). We have made it a habit as a diocese every year to carry out this “excellent offering in the presence of the Most High”. Through our collective Lenten contribution as a diocese every year, we have been able to reach out to those in need to put smiles in their faces and homes. This year will not be different. I encourage you all to continue with this practice of putting aside at least the worth of a meal per day in your Lenten safe (Kolo) all through the season of lent. On Good Friday, as we do every year, we bring everything together and use for charity as a diocese,” the bishop said.

Bishop Badejo, who titled his message, “Lenten Observances: Another Look,” said Nigeria needed so much of philanthropic gestures and sincere reconciliation adding that Christians should show this as they fast.

According to him, “Lent is a period of renewal, retreat and spiritual rehabilitation which everybody needs. Such a period is always helpful as the new year begins. Permanent pleasure and fun corrode the soul and spirit. It is also a period of reconciliation since, wherever we live and relate with others we are bound to offend or hurt each other. That is the reason for the message of Prophet Isaiah: “Come let us talk together. Though your sins are as scarlet they shall be white as snow…” (Isaiah 1: 18).

“Lenten practices like self examination, alms giving and reconciliation are necessary to make the world more peaceful, charitable and harmonious. Nigeria needs so much of that today in order to reduce wickedness, injustice, anger, conflict and bloodshed in our nation. We must take better care of the poor and needy. We must repent and change our ways for the better and so be made ready for our salvation. That is the purpose of the period of Lent.”

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