Bracket, Bricon Foundation in collaboration to fight cancer


The group of artistes, popularly known as Bracket, has collaborated with Bricon Foundation to unveil ‘B2 for Life’, an initiative aimed at giving succour to cancer patients in Nigeria.

Vast aka Ozioko Nwachukwu, one part of Bracket, survived cancer some years ago and since then, he has been at the forefront of the battle against cancer.

One of the founders of Bricon Foundation, Abigail Simon-Hart, is also a survivor of cancer. Since they both had their treatments in the United Kingdom, they had realised that instead of encouraging treatment outside the country, there was a need to build the necessary support structure within the country and to ensure that care could be accessed by people who could not afford to travel outside for treatment.

The two foundations were set up in 2016 with a view to providing the much needed funding for cancer patients in Nigeria.

According to Vast, there is need to address the issue of stigmatisation of cancer patients.

“There is no shame in having cancer and until more cancer patients come out to talk, many will continue to suffer in silence,” he said.

Abigail noted that “although awareness about the disease is increasing, resulting in more people coming forward for treatment, until we as a nation address the lack of personnel, equipment, treatment centres and improve affordability of care, people will continue to die prematurely from the disease.”

She added that all funds raised from the campaign would be used to fund patients’ treatment.