Birth of 17m Nigerian children unregistered, says UNICEF


… despite 43% increase in documentation

A new report on global birth registration released today by the United Nations Children’s Fund has revealed a crack in birth registration in Nigeria, disclosing that about 17 million children under the age of five or one in five remain unregistered.

According to the report, despite significant increase in number of children whose births are officially registered  from 30 per cent in 2013 to 43 per cent in 2018 by integrating birth registration into health services, many of these children are still invisible as they do not exist  in the eyes of the  law owing to lack of proof of identity.

Birth registration is the official recording of the occurrence and characteristics of a birth by the civil registrar within the civil registry, in accordance with the legal requirements of a country.

A birth certificate is a vital record, issued by the civil registrar that documents the birth of a child.

It is a certified extract from the birth registration record, it proves that registration has occurred – making this document the first, and often only, proof of legal identity, particularly for children.

Reacting to the report, UNICEF Representative in Nigeria, Peter Hawkins, said, “We have come a long way in Nigeria and ensuring that children are registered through the health services is making a big difference – but still too many children are slipping through the cracks.

“These children are uncounted and unaccounted for – nonexistent in the eyes of the government or the law. Without proof of identity, children are often excluded from accessing education, health care and other vital services, and are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.”

Hawkins noted that every child has a right to a name, a nationality and a legal identity.

He said: “We have just marked the 30th anniversary of these rights – as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child – and 2020 will mark the 30th anniversary of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child – which provides that every child be registered immediately after birth.

“We must continue to register and not stop until every Nigerian child is registered – every child counts!”

According to the new report, “Birth Registration for Every Child by 2030”, 166 million children under-five, or one in four, remain unregistered, globally.

The report, which analyses data from 174 countries to know if they are on track in  meeting  the 2030 target of birth registration for every child, shows that the proportion of children under-five registered globally is up around 20 per cent from 10 years ago – increasing from 63 per cent to 75 per cent.


In West and Central Africa, the report shows that under-five registration increased in 10 years from 41 per cent to 51 per cent, despite the multiple challenges the region is facing.

Poirier added: “Birth registration in West and Central Africa remained stagnant for a long time, leaving millions of children without their basic right to legal identity. This situation has now changed and millions more children are registered at birth”, said Marie-Pierre Poirier, UNICEF Regional Director for West and Central Africa.

“With UNICEF’s support and under the leadership of the African Union and of national governments, countries have invested in integrating birth registration in health and immunization platforms to extend the coverage and accessibility of services and reach even the most vulnerable populations. This simple shift in service delivery is not only low cost but effective in increasing national registration rates, contributing to progress in the region as a whole.”

The report further reveals that despite the progress made so far, the majority of countries in sub-Saharan Africa lag behind the rest of the world and some of the lowest levels of registration are found in Chad (12 per cent) and Guinea-Bissau (24 per cent).

The report identifies barriers to high registration coverage in Nigeria to include: the operation of two parallel and competing systems for birth registration at federal and state levels, insufficient birth registrars, lack of public awareness on the importance of birth registration for children, coupled with ingrained social beliefs that do not encourage the registration of children.

To achieve birth registration for every child by 2030, UNICEF calls for five actions to protect all children.

They include providing every child with a certificate upon birth; empowering all parents, including single parents, regardless of gender, to register their children at birth and for free during the first year of life.

Others are linking birth registration to basic services, particularly health, social protection and education, as an entry point for registration; investing in safe and innovative technological solutions to allow every child to be registered, including in hard-to-reach areas.