Beattle battles traffic concerns at C’wealth Games


Gold Coast 2018 chairman, Peter Beattie, has urged the public to “get off the M1” and use public transport during the Commonwealth Games.

Beattie made the assertion at the final Gold Coast 2018 Board meeting before the Games are due to begin in few days’ time in the Australian city.

Transport is considered as the key challenge in the build-up and the M1, connecting Brisbane and the Gold Coast, is a particular problem because it is often gridlocked even in times of normal traffic.

Beattie recently admitted the M1 was “a pig” and “a pain in the bum” but remained confident it would not affect the success of Gold Coast 2018.

He repeated his plea for people to use public transport in a bid to reduce congestion on the roads.

“We encourage people to get off the M1 and use public transport,” he said.

“Public transport is included in the price of your tickets.

“Trains and light rail will run 24 hours for the first time.”

The “Get Set for the Games” initiative, launched by the Department of Transport and Main Roads in conjunction with Gold Coast 2018 and the City of Gold Coast, also calls on residents to consider alternative methods of transport during the Games.

Beattie and Mark Peters, chief executive of Gold Coast 2018, visited a stand run as part of the initiative which will provide advice to the public for the Games, due to take place between April 4 and 15.

Extra trains, buses and light rail services are due to be scheduled to meet the increased demands.

Several nations have already begun arriving for the Games, with others holding training camps across Australia to acclimatise to the conditions.

Athletes from England and Jamaica are among those to have already touched down on Australian soil, with more set to travel out shortly as the countdown continues.