UNILAG appoints Familoni new DVC


The University of Lagos governing council has been appointed a Professor of Chemistry, Oluwole Babafemi Familoni, as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academics & Research) with effect from Tuesday, April 3, 2018.

His appointment, which is in accordance with the provisions of the University of Lagos Act (1967) as specifically amended in Section 4 and 5 in the Universities (Miscellaneous Provision)  Act 1993, is sequel to his nomination and election at the University Senate meeting held on Wednesday, March 28, 2018. The tenure of the appointment will be for two years.

Familoni was born on November 24, 1957. He obtained B.Sc. (Honours) in Chemistry with Second Class Upper Division in 1981, M.Phil. in Chemistry in 1986 and Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in 1990, all at the University of Lagos. He was appointed Lecturer II in 1990 and full professor in 2004.

He is a Chartered Chemist and a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, London, Fellow of the Chemical Society of Nigeria, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria and member of the Governing Council of the Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria.

He presented the 8th Inaugural lecture of Chemistry Department of the University of Lagos in June 2008, entitled, “Synthetic Organic Chemists: Creating Molecules for the Benefit of Man.” His works have resulted in the graduation of numerous students at first and higher degrees. These include about 40 Masters’ degree holders and 4 PhDs. Currently, he has about 10 Ph.D. students under his supervision. He has about 50 publications in peer review learned journals.

He is member of the board of trustees of Adeboye Chair of Mathematics and Ogunye Chair of Chemical Engineering, a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Scientific Research and Development, and since 2012, he has been the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal.