dealing with the risks of internet banking


Identity theft and cybercrime have topped the list of discussions at different information and communication technology and internet banking fora.

The reason is not farfetched. In April 2016, the Federal Government, through its National Security Adviser, Maj.-Gen. Babagana Munguno (retd.), said that “Nigeria loses about N127 billion to cybercrime every year.” Since the disclosure, a lot of Nigerians have been asking questions on the subject and how to tame cyber fraudsters.
Experts have explained that the only way to curb the menace is to guide against identity theft. To do that, you must guide your passwords jealously and must not lose guard at any time.
An IT expert, Mr. Sola Shobowale, says, “Passwords are the first line of defence in protecting access to our finances, credit information and identities. About 80 per cent of Nigerians don’t use secure passwords for private documents and activities. Digitally literate citizens are the most vulnerable to attack by hackers.”
To protect your password is easy but requires a little effort. Below are a few guides to build a firewall round your online activities.


About 80 per cent of Nigerians don’t use secure passwords for private documents and activities. Digitally literate citizens are the most vulnerable to attack by hackers

Use strong password- Despite several warnings, people still use “123456” and “password” as their passwords. When you’re asked to create or update a password for a site, avoid simple patterns that are easily guessed. Select something with 12 characters or longer, using letters, numbers and other symbols.
Multifactor authentication is better – An increasing number of online services like Gmail and online bank accounts that revolve around sensitive information offer the option for an additional step between entering your password and accessing your account. Most times, a code is sent to the phone number you have on record. It takes a bit longer to gain entry to the site; but it is a notable deterrent for someone trying to compromise your account.
Consider biometrics – This is an option that can be used on gadgets like smartphones, tablets and laptops. It is not only more secure, but also prevents you from forgetting your password. Some companies are investing fortunes on embracing this movement, launching voice recognition and giving touch-security services for staff and customers, who access their accounts through their mobile devices.
Use different passwords for accounts – While it is certainly easier to use the same password on multiple sites, remember that doing so can increase your vulnerability. Not only can hackers use that password to access other important accounts of yours, you are also opening yourself up to scrutiny from a larger number of people trying to crack many different sites. If you regularly visit a large number of sites and worry you will forget which password to use, this next tip will come in handy.
Password manager is not a waste – Password managers keep track of the various usernames and passwords you use on various sites, not only boosting safety but also saving you time by automatically filling in the username/password fields. They also synchronise your passwords across different devices, meaning you won’t be stumped if you log onto a site from your smartphone but registered on your laptop.
Don’t share your password – This seems like common sense, but a staggering number of people still freely give their passwords to others, especially relatives. Relatives may be trustworthy but can you say same of their friends? Globally, Norton says 31 per cent of millennials are likely to share theirs and one-third of the people who shared their password in the United States have shared the password to their bank account. Don’t be one of those people.
Don’t click suspicious attachment – Approach your e-mail with skepticism. Delete notes, especially those with attachments, from people you don’t know. And never click on attachments that seem suspicious, even if you do know the sender. Should you get a note from your bank or preferred airline, look closely at the actual e-mail address of the sender and make sure it matches the institution’s URL. And rather than clicking on embedded links, copy and paste them into a browser window, which will let you see where you are headed.
Update software always – It seems we are notified almost daily about one programme or the other that requires an update. After a while, it is seemingly easier to put it off. But by doing so, you are putting yourself at risk.