Kaduna, PH, Yola DISCOs rated low


The target of the Federal Government to achieve 10 Gigawatts of electricity operational capacity by year 2020 may not be visible, going by figures in a recent report. The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission in its report rated Kaduna, Port Harcourt, and Yola Discos as the least performing electricity distribution companies, with 5.8 per cent, 27.5 per cent and 32.2 per cent respectively, between the fourth quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of 2017.

NERC, which has been monitoring the Electricity Generation Companies, Transmission Company of Nigeria and Electricity Distribution Companies, indicated in its report that many of them performed below expectation.

The regulatory body, which used factors such as availability and average load to rate the GENCOs, identified three power plants – Sapele, Geregu NIPP and Afam (1-V) – as the least performers with 31 per cent, 18 per cent and 12 per cent scores respectively.

The top performers in this category were Omotosho, Olurunsogo and Calabar NIPP with 89 per cent, 88 per cent and 87 per cent respectively. These were followed by Okpai, Ughelli, and Omotosho NIPP with 87 per cent, 80 per cent and 78 per cent respectively. Geregu, Afam V1, Ibom Power, Rivers IPP, Alaoji NIPP followed with 78 per cent, 69 per cent, 67 per cent, 64 per cent and 63 per cent respectively.

Other plants – Ihovbor NIPP, Omoku, Trans-Amadi, Egbin, Olorunsogo NIPP and Sapele NIPP – scored 61 per cent, 58 per cent, 48 per cent, 46 per cent, 45 per cent and 38 per cent respectively. The hydro stations – NESCO, Jebba, Shiroro and Kainji – were scored 72 per cent, 65 per cent, 58 per cent and 55 per cent respectively. TCN and 15 system collapses TCN that has the responsibility to transmit and deliver power for distribution
experienced over 15 system collapses (total and partial) in six months.