Terry G: I’ve done things I am not proud of


Over the years, controversies have trailed the lifestyle of Oche Gabriel Amanyi, aka, Terry G. In this interview with OLUSHOLA RICKETTS, the one-time gospel singer speaks on regrets, being used as a scapegoat, emergence of new artistes and marriage.

You just released a single, ‘Oba Crown.’ How long did it take to put it together?

gether? It is one of the contents I have had on ground. I just felt it was the right time to put it out. I have many songs I am yet to release to the public. But I have plans to put them out gradually.

Since the industry is saturated with the same sound, everyone is doing the same thing, I take my time.

For you to make a difference, you have to do something that is different. If you’ve been following my music career, I do not like to follow trends. I have always loved to do things differently, in my own way.

Looking back at when you started music, has the terrain changed?

Our kids will always do better than us. My prayer is for my children to do more than me and I wish to learn from them as well. It is just normal for the younger ones to come with new ideas like we did in our days. At every point in time, music has to change because there must be a new wave of the moment. Before I started music, we had people there. I came in with my style and sound, and I had my time.

Do you think you can still dominate the industry like before?

Why not? But once it comes this time, I will use my time well.

Have you ever wished you were an ordinary citizen?

No doubt, fame has taken many things from me, including my free – dom. I do not have my privacy again. At times, I just want to be left alone and do what everyone does. But I cannot do that. And people do not want to understand that you are humans too.

Regardless of what fame has caused me, I still like to come back as Terry G. Fame has not deprived me of comfort, which is the basic. I have made money from music and I am still making money. Without music, I’d not be who I am today.


You’ve been reportedly attacked by fans many times. Why did UNILAG students attack you in 2010?

It was the period we lost Dagrin. Since we were already billed to perform at the University of Lagos, there was no reason we would not play at the event. I do not want to mention the brand that put the show together. I think that day was Dagrin’s candle night and the students were angered that we wanted to perform while they were mourning.

I was even the one that gave 9ice money to free himself from the crowd because we did not expect what we saw. While I was leaving the school, they followed my car and started harassing me. That day was not funny.

But it was said you wanted to leave without performing…

My colleague, 9ice, can testify to this. I can give you his number to confirm what went wrong. While I was the rave of the moment, I had no idea what management entailed. I was just enjoying the moment. But it is different now; I know the importance of having a team of professionals who are responsible for all you do as an artiste. With them around you, you make better decisions and they quickly correct you whenever it appears you are doing the wrong thing.

You’ve been pictured many times smoking in public. Don’t you think you are passing a wrong message to the younger ones who look up to you?

I have done things I am not proud of. All those pictures were taken many years ago; you cannot find new images of me doing such again. I am trying hard to correct some of these things. Right now, I am paying for my past mistakes.

Why are you still single?

When I am ready, I would get married. I have a child and her mother is still around.

Are you afraid of marriage?

I am not afraid, but I am aware that marriage is a lifetime thing. Once you understand your partner, there will be less problems. Before one gets married, you must take your time to know the person well.

Are you not under pressure from your parents and loved ones?

Pressure will always be there, but it still all depends on you. Re – member that I have a child, which is like a relief for them as well. My parents understand to a large ex – tent because they see all that is going on.

Do you plan to marry your ‘Babymama’ or another person?

She is the mother of my child and we get to understand ourselves very well. Since there is understanding and she has been there for me all this while, what else do I want in a woman? When we are ready to get married, we would do that.

Was there a time you wished you were still a gospel musician?

How I got to where I am pres – ently is by God’s grace. I don’t regret leaving the gospel for popular mu – sic. Of course, I can still do gospel songs.